
I am a New Yorker, knitter, foodie, scrapbooker, jewelry maker, lawyer, and many more things! When I was in college I had a friend who knit and with tons of patience taught me in one of the student lounges at our school. I learned, made a few scarves with cheap yarns, and continued to knit for about 2 years. The “Stitch N Bitch” book was my bible. But I couldn’t fathom making hats, socks, etc… I thought it was hip to knit but as with all fads after some time I got bored and stopped.

Then came law school and all the stress involved with being a law student. So instead of pulling my hair or binge drinking to forget my sorrows, I suddenly found myself obsessed with expensive yarns, needles, and all sorts of knitting tools. I found myself not being afraid to try to make hats, socks, etc. I became adventurous with my knitting. I did not stop there and took up scrapbooking, jewelry making, and photography. I even took up Bikram Yoga. Yes, law school makes people go nuts!

Crafty NYC Girl

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